MySchool needs your feedback, and our support team prides itself on building a strong relationship with our community. If you have any questions or encounter any problems then please send us a ticket via our support network.
How to access support
In the quick action tool bar, use the question mark to access the support site. You will need to have the correct permissions allocated to your user group in order to see this.
Equally you can submit tickets directly via our site URL
Access to our support site is different to your MySchool instance. You will not be able to log into support with the same credentials. During the on boarding process, we will request a handful of MySchool key contacts. These users will be added to your organisations' support account and receive a validation email with instructions on how to access support.
Submitting a ticket
To Submit a ticket click the Submit a request link at the top of the Help Center page. there are mandatory fields for the ticket.
Please note the priority is important for our teams, please use the Urgent priority in cases of total breakdown, or missed official deadlines. We will not forgot about you whatever the priority.
In the subject field, start by entering the menu header title of the problem (Administer/Admissions/Attendance etc) or the feature which covers your question. This will help the system propose articles in relation to your problem.
In the description, be as clear as possible. Our team loves to communicate with you, but we need you to be clear and concise. Use bullet points, explain the steps you were taking, and include screenshots if possible. The ticket submission form asks you to look at this article for further help.
Add files if the problem is in relation to a report, or if you would like us to look at uploading a large data set.
Managing your tickets
Click your name at the top of the help center and choose My activities to view and manage all your tickets. Click on the ticket title to open it.
Each ticket has a status associated with it:
Request that are currently being worked on by MySchool
Requests where MySchool is waiting for a reply from you
Requests considered solved
They can be filtered by status, so that the list shows only open tickets if needed.
Marking a ticket as complete
When you are happy the issue is resolved, along with your last reply, tick the checkbox Please consider this request solved. This helps us keep the channel clear for your next request.
The checkbox is only visible when you put the cursor in the comment box. If you solve the ticket, then you can reopen the issue if needed. if we close the ticket then you will have a create a new one if the problem reoccurs.
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