MySchool has a behaviour monitoring module available as part of the Core SIS package. On certain systems, we can adjust the text labelling of certain pages to conform to your internal language. Contact your CSM for advice on this.
How to open an event
The feature is located under the Discipline menu header. Select Report event to open the input window.
Adding information
The input screen requires mandatory fields to record the event. These fields are designated by a red asterix (*) .
1. Category
Click on the field or the down arrow, and a list of events will appear. These are set as default :
- Academic issue - To be used if the event is in relation with understanding a subject, or refusal to continue due to personal reasons.
- Behavioural issue - Is for events that the teacher or the staff member were able to deal with promptly within the internal boundaries of the schools remit.
- Serious misconduct - Certain events may need further investigation, or external notification, or for official notices.
Each category should be discussed internally to ascertain conformity in your disciplinary process.
2. Date & time
The date and time will be set according to the current system time of the device used to open the event. The calendar pop up shows the current date. If the event was in the past, by using the arrows, the user is able to back date accordingly.
To set the time of the issue, simply use the hour and minute sliders underneath the calendar.
3. Student(s)
To select the student, enter the first few letters of the surname into the search field. Myschool will give you a list of valid users in the system. You can also use the folder icon and select by year, class or pre-entered group as another option. By clicking on the add button, the app will take you to the people picker window, where more students or groups can be added appropriately.
NB: When the student has been selected, MySchool will automatically add the parent/guardian associated with the Student account. This is visible underneath the event details text box.
4. Reported by
This field will be automatically populated with the current users details. It can be manually changed to any user in the system, by entering the first few letters of their name. In the view history list, we will see that the author will remain as the person inputting the event, whereas the user entered here is recorded in the 'reported by' field.
Entering Details
The text fields are mandatory, MySchool will prompt the user to fill out the missing fields when the save button is pressed. The open text boxes are for recording the actual event, and the action taken. As the details entered into the text boxes are used by other functions, such as in the behaviour report, it is advisable to be clear and concise and not to use abbreviations or formatting.
Text can be copied from other applications, clicking the clipboard will paste this into the selected text box.
To clear the formatting from the text, click on the I icon . It is advisable to clear any external formatting and just use plain text.
The link/clear link icons, , can be used to enter links from other sources, or to clear these for MySchool reporting features.
There is a word and character count that appears under the box when something is entered. Always keep in mind, that these reports are used elsewhere, and the length may affect formatting in other functions.
Email Overview
As described above, the connected parent or guardian to the student will be automatically entered in this section. The default setting is for them to receive a notification of the event via their mail address. If there is no need to notify these users, simply click on their name and unmark the tick box. No notification will be sent. A reminder appears after pressing save as to the recipients of the mail relating to the event.
If another user needs to be notified, press the add user button and a search field will appear underneath. Type in the first few letters and chose from the suggested users. If a special group has been created for these events (External board, Academic review group etc.), then clicking on add group brings the pop up window to be able to add these to the communication.
If some form of timeout was given then the length of time can also be reported by checking the tick box. Two separate fields will appear with Start & End time. Click inside to record the time given for the event.
Either use the sliders, or simply click on Now to input the current system time of the device being used.
Once completed then click Save, the reminder pops up if any of the mandatory field are missing, but if no errors occur, MySchool will ask the user to confirm the send action, showing the recipients of the communication. Pressing 'ok' will send the mail.
The user will be then sent to the view disciplinary history screen, where they can view the recorded events.
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