MySchool data is stored on yearly basis, after the end of the period, this data is archived, and a system rollover is needed. Have a look at this article for a full explanation of a rollover. The system year is known as the current year, whereas administrators with appropriate access rights can time travel to view historic or future year sets.
How to access
As an Administrator, you can go to Administer, then Advanced options. In the advanced menu, scroll to the bottom and click on Year management. Administrators must have the following permissions set in their user group to be able to create years and view the page.
Create allows for future system years to be added, edit allows admins to adjust the dates of the years, and set Academic year is to finish your rollover and set your system to the new scholastic year.
Please note that we advise year management to be controlled by one super user. If a user edits existing year dates, this will immediately affect all student enrolments in classes and courses and may cause problems with assessments, attendance and enrolment reports. Please contact our support team if you have any questions in relation to year management before changing these.
For multi-school networks, then the year can be set individually for each school, contact our support team for guidance.
Creating Past/Future years
Simply click on Create future years, and a slide over will appear, and you will be asked to create the next available year. In the case of the example, you will be asked to create 2023-24
Add a valid date range for the new scholastic year, and financial year if you are using the finance module in MySchool.
You can create as many future or historic years as you need. If you need to import historic data, then you will need to create the past years for the import.
Setting the dates
If you already have the years created then just click on the target year in the list view to edit both dates.
These dates will be applied to the whole school, and be the default start and end date for any student enrolment. It is possible to synchronise course enrolment dates to terms for each class level, using the mass action functionality on the course list page.
Changing dates
We really suggest that you set the dates for the year only when you are sure that these are confirmed internally. If you change the dates, then you will need to manually reset class/course enrolment. If the term dates fall outside of your operational academic year dates, then this may cause a problem for student enrolment.
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Setting as current
If you are preparing for a rollover, then setting the year dates is the first action to take, and it is also the last action. Once everything is prepared, in the list view you can set the year as the active year. This will move your school to a new year data table.
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Time travel
Time travel (moving backwards and forwards to view the school data without affecting the operational year settings) is available to certain user groups. They must have the can view other years checked within the user group.
Once enabled the users can switch years under the user icon of the quick action toolbar. The user icon will turn green and the year dates will be shown in italics.
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