Data management is one of the cornerstones of your MySchool system. We do realise that sometimes profiles or records may get deleted by accident, reset in haste, or lost in an update. The first thing to remember if this does happen, DON'T PANIC. Contact our support team and we will be able to assess the incident and provide guidelines on the best course of action.
Here are a few reassurances in regards to your backup processes and restore options.
Database backup
We have your back! Your data is stored on a 24hr basis. In the event of severe corruption, complete data loss, or the 'end of the world' scenario, we will restore the system with minimum loss to data. Rest assured, our team has a comprehensive data recovery plan for all levels of incident. In the case of an update or glitch which has caused this loss, then we will endeavour to restore it within a 24hr window.
Can we have a backup system?
We are unable to provide you with a backup of your system. However, we are able to fully restore from the last data save if required.
User data
MySchool is designed to minimise the risk of data loss originating from user actions. Always try to archive rather than pressing the big red delete button. You never know if historical records have been connected. Here are a few tips to help you manage your profiles;
- Students should only be deleted if they are duplicates or entry mistakes. Use the withdraw function to remove students from your active student lists.
- Students and user profiles can lose context. (e.g A student is unenrolled from a class, or a relationship is removed from the guardian profile). These profiles will not be searchable in the Quick search option. They have not been deleted from the system. You can find these using Advanced search.
- If you are sure that the user has pressed and confirmed delete on the profile, again don't panic. Please raise a ticket with the support team. In the first instance, we will ask for the date, time and if possible the user who has deleted the profile. The support team will check the immediate logs and confirm whether a restore can be done immediately. If we cannot help, we will assess the situation, and raise the issue internally with our data team. In these cases, it can take up to 30 days for the profiles to be restored. We will try to be as quick as possible.
- If you delete an employee, then you will remove their name from the logs. If they have sent announcements or entered assessment or attendance records, then these will appear with no user name. Again, don't delete a profile unless you are sure it is a duplicate or error. If they were staff members then set them as past employees in their employment tab, and edit their status to archive. If they return to your school, then you can simply find their old profile in Advanced search and activate their accounts. You can archive guardian profiles as well. Although guardians lose access rights when their dependant students are no longer enrolled in to a class during the active year.
Top tip: Pressing delete means you will delete the record, you will be asked to confirm this action. Please make sure that this is what you really want to do.
Attendance data
When you start your yearly rollover, we advise you to confirm the dates for the year, term and timetable management before creating and applying them to the active scholastic year. However, we understand that changes may need to be made due to unforeseen circumstances. Contact our team before applying new settings to these dates to make sure your attendance data will not be affected. In most cases, you will be able to revert manually, but in others, we will need to ask for help from the database team to migrate your data to the new configuration. Again don't worry, we will assess the impact and work together on solutions to mitigate the disruption.
If you inadvertently remove a student from a course, then again don't panic, as long as you have not deleted the profile then we can reinstate the student enrolment dates, and their attendance should be restored.
Attendance data can also be affected by ad hoc lessons. It is important to note that an attendance status is recorded against a student in a period for a specific day. if you have two ad hoc lessons assigned to the same period, they will overwrite each other. Resolving these classes and reentering the attendance is the quickest way to resolve this.
Assessment data
When using subject specifications, we strongly advise that you create and confirm your assessment criteria BEFORE your Educators/Teachers/Assessment team starts to enter the grades. An assessment criterion is assigned a unique field number. If possible then note these fields down, just in case something does get changed.
If you do need to change the settings, please download all entered assessment criteria from the assessments and assignment grade grids. The most efficient way to restore this would be to renter manually. If you change assessment types or field mappings, then simply reverting back to the old set-up may work. We always recommend that you publish your grade reports, the PDF will be attached to the student profile and accessible via the guardian/student portal.
Top tip: Use the publishing access dates to set a reasonable time for the teachers to enter their assessment criteria. Set the end date to be 1 week before publishing. This will allow ample time to review and test before you publish to your community.
Ad hoc data recovery
In all cases, we ask you to contact our support team for advice if you fear that data has been lost. There may be many explanations for this.
Does the page require validation? (Save/Update button). If so then we can only recover information if it has been saved or validated. We cannot restore information if the page or the browser tab was closed in error. If you lost an internet connection and did not validate then there are no records to recover.
In our grid views for Assess and Assignment functions, the entries are validated individually, and the grid updates after each entry. We try to make this as quick and efficient as possible to avoid lag. Normally when entering a grade into a cell, a pop up will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming that the entry has been validated and recorded. If in doubt take a screenshot before leaving the grid view.
We have a 300 minute default time out, however, your local network connection may time out before this. If you need to leave your workstation, then make sure you have validated your entries.
Top tip: Please make sure you read the screen tips 'Are you sure?'. If you are not sure then please contact our team for advice.
Logged events
Our support team has access to a 30-day event log and are able to assist with basic information regarding the most common actions. Examples would be, 'who entered this attendance status' or 'Can we find the old email address of this user'. We do not have access to all lists immediately. We will need to request the help of the database team. Our aim would be to deliver the information in a timely manner, but this may take a maximum of 30 days. To help us be more efficient, then you will be asked to provide us with as much detail as possible to help speed up the search.
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