An assessment report is a key tool in the education cycle. This is why we created the MySchool Assessment report builder, which enables the schools to create their own assessment criteria in subject specifications, and publish professionally branded and designed PDF reports. Whether your school needs a simple one-page table summary or a detailed summary per course, then these can be built using our assessment toolkit. The assessment report is adaptable to most internationally renowned programmes such as International Bac, North American GPA, Learning Standards, Core competencies, and simple classic numeric or Letter graded achievements.
Check out the article here for further details on the assessment sections. This article will outline the cover page options.
Where can I find the report builder?
The assessment report manager would be found in Grade reports/Adv options/Assessment report. If you do not have this available, then contact our support team for further assistance. The permission to access this page will be Manage grade reports, so make sure the users who will be building the report have this within their respective user group.
There are no limits to the number of templates, other than one report card, per term per class level. Schools can create a simple summary format, and then build a more comprehensive report for the mid or end-of-year reports.
Don't forget that if you have published report cards using a particular template then any changes to the template will show when publishing historic reports. It will not however affect the published PDFs saved on the students' profiles. If you wish to make changes then we advise archiving the template and building a new one.
Two types of format
There are two main report types, either cover page (classic portrait) or compact (landscape). The cover page option starts with a cover page, with many configurable components. It will then show all of the student's courses during the assessment period. It can be configured to show one course per page for more detailed reporting.
For the compact report, please check out this article which further outlines how to go about building the assessment criteria with primary grades. This is designed for a table view for numerical grades. Although it can be multi-paged, it is formatted for a single-page report with preference.
Why not join both together and create a hybrid report? It would have a table summary of numerical grades (compact), followed up with detailed other assessment sections such as comments and learning outcomes. (cover page).
Configuring the cover page
Let's create a new cover page and look at the configuration options available.
Overview Layout
Here you choose the layout of the PDF. Choose a cover page or compact format.
Internal/External Label/Choose the border title colours
The internal label is mandatory and it is needed for the list page. It will not be published. The external label is what is published on the cover page. The colour of the external label is the same as the primary colour field.
Internal label |
External label |
Open the primary colour and add a touch of branding to the report card with your school's colour.
Header Colours
Apply a colour to each header within a subject if you are using the cover page format.
Logo Override
By default, the report will use the system logo. However, you can override this and upload a different version for your assessment reports. Use the Logo Height override to adjust the size. Use 0-100% in the logo height field.
Student name & Photo
Choose to show the student's legal name, common name or both.
If you have added photos to your student profiles, you can include them on the cover page as well, to give the report a personal touch
Font choice
Our designers have suggested the NotoSans font as it provides a clean font across languages. For our community, We have also included a Chinese-compatible font to be able to produce a PDF with Chinese characters.
Term and class level
You can show the term label if you wish. It will use the name of your current assessment term. If you wish to change this then add the text in the Term Label override field.
Choose to show the class title or override it, or use another appropriate replacement tag instead. These are directly linked to the fields in the student profile. Simply click on the tag(s) in the override field.
ID Passport field
If you use the passport/Id field within the student profile, then you can decide whether you show this or not on the front cover. In certain schools, this field is used for an internal Student Id or other unique markers. You change the label from passport/Id to anything you wish.
Show the Teacher's name within the report
Choose to show the class Teacher's name on the cover page. You can also show the course Teachers' names for each course. If you have multiple Educators attached to the same class/course ALL will be listed.
Organise the footer
The default setup is that the cover page will show the address from your system settings in the left footer, and contact details on the right. The publishing date is an option to show it in the centre footer or not.
You can override both left and right fields accordingly. You don't have to use the address or contact details if these are not needed.
There are further options to determine how the footer should be shown for the whole report and not just the cover page.
Other configuration options
Show the school name as a subheader. You can include the name of the school as entered in the MySchool system. This appears above the report name in small-sized font.
Show the publish date in the footer. The date the report is published is a mandatory requirement in certain countries. This will be shown in the centre of the footer if selected.
Footer options also allow you to configure how the footer information is shown on the report and subsequent pages.
Hints and tips
- Decide which style you would like, compact or cover. Compact reports do not have a cover page.
- Why not try to build different report cards per term, with rich text sections to keep the report up to date with the current grade-level news?
- Use images in your text boxes, especially if the students have participated in group activities and you have some photos to share.
- Avoid copying and pasting from other word-processing software. There can be hidden formatting in the copied content.
- Make sure the assessment terms in subject specifications are linked to the correct assessment report template.
- If you are using the compact table then you must create an assessment build per term in order to have a primary grade.
- If you are using learning outcomes, you can change the colours of your scales in assignment configuration. Test and try out different schemes. You can turn off the progress bars if you need.
- Use the comment to students within the subject specifications to describe the objectives of the individual courses for the year.
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