My Courses is designed for the course-level Educators to have an overview of their own courses. It will not populate unless the user is assigned as a Teacher to an active course. It shows contact details, schedule info, and assignment and course diary entries. It will be empty if the user is not enrolled in any courses. To view My Courses as an administrator, you need to impersonate one of your course enrolled Educators. It is also year specific, to view details from previous years then the user group must have time travel activated in the inherent course Teacher user group.
What information is available?
You can enter a full description with course objectives. This is the same field as the course description box within an individual course view. Guardians can view this in their My Courses dashlet or My course information menu header. Students can view the details in their My Course VLE dashlet.
The student list shows the following information relating to the educator's students;
- Click on the student's name to go directly to their profile.
- If medical/Legal alerts have been activated and entered, they will show here.
- Main guardian contact details. Click on the envelope icon to send mail to the contact.
- Highlighted consent status.
- Assignment load can be used to check the student's load over a week period.
Mailing lists show student, and guardian emails and can be copied into an external email service. The timetable will show the scheduled lessons of the selected course for the week period.
What is the course diary?
The course diary lists all assignments created within the course. It is also linked to the diary events which a teacher can create from the My Schedule options.
This is used to log lesson plans, items discussed, or for parents' information. The student will see these listed as diary entries on their My Courses page.
Lesson planner
The course diary can be used as a lesson planner, but for more advanced options then why not try the VLE course resources?
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