The team have been working on many big projects, but still have been able to release some improvements to certain areas, here is a breakdown into the improvements released.
VLE course resources
When an assignment has submissions enabled, we have changed the behaviour on the student portal assignment view. Once a student has submitted either text or file, and committed their work, this will automatically change from SUBMIT to VIEW
If the student has never opened the assignment then this will be marked in Bold, whereas, once the assignment has been viewed, this will return to normal HIGHLIGHT.
Organisations (DQSE)
We have an official report which logs membership of clubs and organisations for students. users now have the possibility to delete organisations from the main list. The system will not allow you to delete organisations that have historical students logged as members.
Assessment report
For schools who have transitioned to the new assessment report, we have added the ability to clone already created reports to other class levels, where changes can be made to a standard template.
Top tip: Why not create a default template for the school with your generic layout. This does not have to be applied to any class level, but can be CLONED and tweaked according to each class level. Personalising the report card for each level may build engagement with guardians and parents. Equally dont forget you can have a layout per term, so your first report card of the year can be totally different to the final summary.
Also when you are using a numeric grade and set the report to show the max out of scale, it will not show if an additional value has been entered instead.
Quick reports
We have added a few more export fields to quick reports. You can extract detailed class enrolment data for your student population. Notably in the class allocation section, and we have included the ID card and date of birth when Guardian main contact details are chosen.
The second big improvement is that you an now save both Filters and Export criteria, make this public and other users with access to Quick reports and to the same level of data can reproduce the same excel data sheet each time. All saved reports are now available when you load.
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