The MySchool assignment module is a comprehensive tool kit designed to facilitate the day-to-day tracking of learning activities, and provide support for continuous assessment strategies. Again assignments are not just for homework, they can be used to build learning evidence for learning outcomes. Here are a few of the regular questions that may help troubleshoot issues with assignments;
The system is saying that there are no scales or types associated with this subject.
Before you implement the assignment module into your daily process, you need to make sure that everything is set up. This can be done via the subject page, or in bulk via assignment configuration. Decide as a group in which subjects share types and scales, or create new ones for your community. Once an assignment is created and a type and scale assigned. These cannot be edited, especially if grades have already been entered.
We have used the default percentage scale, but the assignment has a maximum grade of only 20, how can we set this?
When you create the assignment and use a numeric scale, the Educator is given the opportunity to determine the maximum points (Maximum graded out of). They can set a max out of from 1-100.
We want to attach a forum discussion to the assignment but the drop-down is empty, how do we activate this?
The discussion will become available once the assignment has been saved. If you are still creating, then the dropdown will not be available.
Why can't the students and guardians see their grades when they have been entered on the grade grid?
The first check is to see what option was chosen in the assignment planning tab.
Educators may want to give feedback(comments) but withhold the grade as it is part of a project or assessment for grade reports. Make sure the correct option is chosen in the planning tab of the individual assignment.
It may also be that the assignment has not reached its publish date.
Another check is to make sure the student is correctly enrolled in the course and assignment. Go to the assessment tab of the assignment to make sure the student is listed and has a tick next to their name.
Top tip: Only guardians with the correct permissions can view their student's assessments via your MySchool guardian portal. Check this on the student or guardian profile respectively.
We want to have all assignments from the year showing in the grade grid, but still determine averages on a term basis, how can we do this?
It is possible to have a term that covers the whole year. This should be an 'is scheduled' term. this will be available in the assignment grade grid. If you then further split your term group to include other scheduled terms, then these can be used by Educators to populate as normal. The assignments will be duplicated on the 'Year-long' term. This is very useful if you are using the full continuous assessment build, as Educators can really see a year-long list of evidence.
What average type should we use?
One of the most common questions raised is advice on average types. It really is a decision for the Educators to take, as some may prefer a straight average (Sums/Normalisation across types), or others may choose to use the types as 'grade bins'. This will allow for weighting and grouping but certainly won't give a simple average. We advise that you test your assessment strategy before starting the school year. Once grades start to be entered, students and guardians have live access to averages and scores. If these change during the year, this may cause frustration in your community.
Top tip: Ask your CSM contact for the average calculator, it is an excel sheet which allows you to simulate your continuous assessment strategy.
Can the educators copy assignments from previous years?
Yes, if they have access to the course resource page, assignments can be copied from their previous courses into the current year's course. They must be enrolled as a course teacher of both courses in both year sets.
Can individual assignment scores be used in assessment report builds?
Yes, in the assignment averages assessment type it is possible to select a calculation based on assignment types.
I have published an assignment and can see it in view of all assignments, but it doesn't show on the grade grid, what is happening?
Assignments must be created within the year and term date parameters. This is determined by the assignment's due date. If this date is outside of your yearly term parameters then it will not show on the grade grid.
Can we receive and return corrected submissions for our students?
Yes, this is possible. Students must have access to the My Courses dashlet, or My Assignments menu header. You can set the assignment to either receive attachments, text submissions or both. In the assessment tab of the assignment, Educators can attach returned work which will become available for the students and guardians on their respective portals.
Can we mix numerical and alpha-numerical scales on the grid?
You can use learning outcomes and standard numerical grades in the same grid. The average however is limited to one type per subject. You can group the learning outcome assignment together by switching between views.
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