The tool is a condensed version of the normal assignment create screen, Educators can either create their assignments using the grade grid or on the course resource LMS page. Let's have a look at the layout and options available within the LMS module.
Add assignment resource
Choose to add an assignment, this can be within a topic folder or outside a topic folder. For the topics created in course resources, you will need to enable the functionality on a subject level from assignment configuration if you wish these to synchronise on the grade grid.
In the first section, Educators must add a title, and due date and assign an assignment type. You can also see the enrolled students and they can be graded and given feedback from this view.
- The assignment title will be shown on the grade grid, and on all other assignment-related pages.
- The due date will determine into which term the assignment is to be set. It will be used to determine chronological order on the grade grid.
- Assignment types are populated from the assignment configuration page or the individual subject assignment tab settings.
- The topics will be populated from the topic folders created in the course resource module.
Open the description section, and Educators have a rich text field to provide instructions to the students regarding the tasks. They can also add attachments here. To increase student engagement both with the portal and learning content, then look into the rich text features to help increase this with the students.
The parameters section has mandatory fields and the Educator must check these before publishing.
- Scale - determine the scale to be used for grading. The scale is configured in the assignment configuration and applied to the subject. Educators should set the correct scale before entering grades in either the grade grid or course resource view.
- Maximum grade - If you choose to use a numerical scale, educators can determine a lower maximum score. This will be normalised in the assignment calculation.
- Weight - Apportioned weight for the individual assignment. if you are using an assignment average, please make sure your community know how this is calculated. This article explains a basic numerical average calculation.
- Publish - Educators decide what should be published to the students. In certain cases, the grade may be withheld as it is to be used as part of a final year calculation for example.
- Unpublished until - Set a date for the assignment to remain hidden from the student/guardian view during a period. Educators can create assignments as part of their yearly scheme of work, and plan releases in batches so as not to overwhelm the students.
- Submission - These set the submission rules for the students. They can attach completed worksheets, or even have a text box for them to fill out using their MySchool portal and the rich text features available.
- New content notification - Send an email or a push notification that a new assignment is available or the content has been updated.
- If learning outcomes have been added to the subject there will be an additional section, and the educator can select these and grade accordingly.
Grading, feedback, and returning corrections
Once published the students can submit their work. The course resource module lists the students enrolled in the course and Educators can either grade from here, or use the grade grid.
- Text submission - When the submission type is set to text, students' answers are recorded here. Click on the button for a note to pop up to show their submission.
- Attachments - When enabled for the assignment, students can upload files as submissions for the assignment. The information symbol will also confirm the date of the submission. Educators can download the file directly from here.
- Grade (score) - The box is used when a numerical scale is set in the assignment parameters.
- Status - A status is set against the assignment. The school can set certain types to not be included in the assignment grade for the overall average.
- Feedback - Give feedback directly to the student.
Using a scale or learning outcome instead
If learning outcomes are used, then these are represented in the image below. The scale chosen for the learning outcome is taken from the settings in subject specifications.
If an achievement scale is applied to the assignment, the scale will replace the numerical field, as shown below.
Returning corrected work
Use the green clipboard icon to upload corrections. The student will be able to download this via their portal.
Top tip: When an assignment is created, all students are enrolled automatically. It is always possible to remove students from the assignment. If you have a team project then use the copy function and create an assignment for each team instead.
Keep updated on student submissions
When you have created the assignments, they will appear in the course educator view. The count will show students who have not completed the assignment. Click to open the slide over grading screen in LMS.
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