MySchool has added the possibility to create quiz content as part of the course content resource pack. Easy to use and students answer directly on their portal. Very easy to configure and can improve engagement with your course resources. it can be used to assess topic understanding, quick class recap quizzes or even end-of-year final assessments. The quiz resource will populate the grade grid and so can be used as part of your assignment averages or continuous assessment strategy.
This feature has to be enabled by MySchool support, please contact your CSM to arrange this and organise a call to show you how it works.
How can we add a quiz as a resource?
Once activated you will see a new icon in the content resource module. Open the quiz icon to add a quiz to your resource content pack.
The quiz is classed as an assignment and will populate the assignment grade grid with the grades. The quiz scores can be included in your term averages if you wish. Why not create an assignment type called VLE Quiz to classify the quizzes, and apply appropriate weighting or remove them from the averages altogether?
Configure your assignment settings
The settings are similar to those found when creating an assignment in course resources. The quiz must be published so that the students can provide their answers via their My Courses dashlet. We would advise using a numerical scale for the quizzes, but achievement scales can be used if configured correctly with points attached. Each question is assigned a point score. These are calculated and posted in the Total points field after the Educator has finished grading. The total score will then be normalised using the Maximum grade field. This normalised calculation will be used on the assignment grade grid.
Total points - 5 | Student grade - 2/5 | Maximum grade - 100 | Normalised score - 40 |
Question types
There are five different question types that can be used within the quiz. Let us have a look at the settings and behaviour for each. Note that there is no draft option for saving. A screen prompt will inform users that once saved the quiz cannot be edited. Click on the + icon or drag and drop to add a question type.
Single choice
The question is entered in the title field, and you can change the question type, copy the question or delete the question on this line as well. If the description field is enabled, Educators can provide further information and create great interactive content for their quizzes. Use hyperlinks to online material and ask a question based on the content. Add images and ask the students questions related to these.
Select the Add option to add your answers. In a single-choice question, a radio field is used, and the student can only choose one answer. Select the correct answer in the column to the right.
Assign a point value to each question in the bottom left corner.
- The description box allows for the rich text description to appear
- Required will prompt the student to reply as it is mandatory
- Shuffled will mix the order of the answers randomly
- Auto grading will provide the educator with a prompt for the correct answer when grading. The correct answer is determined by selecting one option in the correct answer column.
Multiple choice question
In a multiple-choice question, students have a select field and can answer with multiple options. The educator chooses which replies are correct. With auto-grading enabled, the user can determine the final score if the student has not given all the correct answers.
Short text question
The short text answer is best used when a one or two-word answer is required. The answer provided by the student must be an exact spelling for auto-grading to mark as correct.
Long text question
Allows for a longer text answer from the student. This cannot be auto-graded, but the Educator can attribute a score based on the total points value.
Select scale question
The select question type is designed to create a scale ladder from the value of 0 or 1 to the max value of 10. It is best used to gather feedback from the students. No correct answer is available for this type of question.
How do we grade the replies?
When the students have completed the quiz, Educators will see an eye icon appear. This means that the quiz has been submitted and can be graded. Click on the eye to open the grading page.
With auto grading enabled, MySchool will check the answer provided and confirm if this is correct or not. If correct it will assign the number of points allocated to the question
In the case of short text answers, the students must reply with exact spelling and the reply is case sensitive. Educators can override this decision by clicking on the tick, the system will automatically apply the points in the corresponding field.
With long text, the educator adds the number of points directly in the point field and submits the grade by selecting the tick.
Scale questions are not normally assigned points, but still must be ticked to complete the correction steps. They will not affect the out-of-score.
Submitting the grade
Once the educator has graded each question and attributed points accordingly, return to the top of the page and save the corrections.
The score will be based on how many points were accorded from the questions. The final step would be to select 'graded' from the drop-down assignment status lists. As we explained the score will be normalised out of the maximum score field. In this case the 5/10 with the max score being 100, the student will see a grade of 50 in their assignment view. This score will also be added to the assignment grade grid.
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