This new addition is specifically for our clients located in Malta. If you require specific official certificates or reports based on historical data held within MySchool, then please contact your CSM to discuss further.
The below options are now available to show on student grade reports :
Once these are configured on your MySchool instance, you can include these within your termly grade reports
Assessment report configuration
How to access :
Go to : Grade Report > Advanced options > Assessment reports. Select the report you want to use.
Select add and choose Personal Qualities from the drop-down :
Configuration :
Select the blue settings cog on the right-hand side of the new section :
A drop-down will appear for each section, where you can choose yes to show. If you do not want to show a particular option, you can leave this set to no, which is the default setting :
When students have personal qualities, Informal or Non-formal activities entered, they will then show on the grade report - here is an example below :
For more help on DQSE set-up, you can also view : DQSE School Leaving Certificate
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