Let's look at the assessment report sections to help you build an original and branded assessment report for your institute. Each section when added to the report card has further options which can be configured using the blue cog icon. Let's look at the sections, firstly the two main sections of course grades, and compact course grades.
Before you start to test your grade report please make sure you have subject specifications set up on a few target subjects. Otherwise, you will not be able to produce a PDF using the preview in the assessment report builder.
Course grades
This section can be applied with no configuration and is to be used if you have selected the cover page option for your report cards. Open the cog icon for further options depending on your subject specifications;
Course label config
By default, the report will show the subject name in the header as all assessments are subject-based.
You can change the label according to the above fields. All of these fields are found on the course or subject level (Transcript, curriculum, and TRAX code).
Assessment labels
By default, the report will show the label of the individual assessment type pulled from subject specifications.
When both are selected a subheader is added to each subject;
Learning outcome progress and scale label options
If you are using learning outcomes with an achievement scale, then you have a few options to embellish the report cards. Firstly a colourful progress bar, and secondly the choice of label for the achievement scale;
The full-scale label will show the full label, but can sometimes cause formatting issues, to resolve this then choose the shortcode instead by selecting No.
Full-scale progress bar
You can use a calculated scale, which will translate a numerical grade contribution into an achievement scale. You can add the progress bar to these assessment types.
Show Max. out of scale on numerical grades
In the numerical assessment types, where applicable, assessment types will ask you to set a max scale (out of );
Page per course/subject
This setting is dependent on the number of assessments. If you have a large number of Learning outcomes with a lengthy comment field, it may be advisable to assign a page each to avoid formatting issues.
Include the course Teacher's signature
You can add a digital signature to each course. The course educator needs to have a JPG signature attached to the profile and the file type needs to be set to signature.
Include withdrawn courses
By default, students who have not completed the assessment period are classed as withdrawn. They will show at the bottom of the review page. Assessments can still be made, but these will not show on the assessment report as default. Change this field to include students who have not completed the term.
Numerical learning outcomes and folder options
Further options for learning outcomes allow for numerical contributions to be used in learning outcomes. You can show the numerical score and also have options to calculate totals based on these scores.
You must use a numerically based achievement scale for this to calculate correctly. For this you will need to have points set in the scale configuration and points assigned in the learning outcome specifications (by default all LO's are 1 point weight).
Why not try out different formats using the preview feature before making a final decision. If you have a test student with contributions added then you can change the format options in course grades, and download a preview to make sure the format fits your needs.
Static text
These can be added as a foreword or as a summary. They are simple rich text boxes which allow you to embellish your report cards with information about the curriculum, and school life, or explain assessment scales and grading calculations. The static text box will be the same across all students attached to the assessment report built. it cannot be personalised. It does not allow for any replacement tags or personal information relating to a particular student.
You can include images and hyperlinks to really make your report interactive for the guardians and students.
User comment
This is connected to the overall comment on the review panel for each student, typically filled out by the head of the year or class tutor. You can include a template text for all students, or leave it blank and just use the signature feature. The user must have an image file (jpeg/PNG) uploaded to their profile. This must be set as file type 'Signature' for it to p[opulate the reports. The role is taken from the Job title field on the user's employment tab.
You can have attendance on the subject level, which is used if a roll call is set for each period. Many schools choose from their homeroom attendance or have two main roll calls per day. These counts can be included in the assessment reports.
Determine the section label and open the options, showing periods or day count for the year or the assessment term. Then decide which attendance types should be included in the count, these are connected to your attendance configuration settings.
You need to specify whether it should include all periods or just roll calls.
Grade point average
You can include a GPA section whereby a simple mean average or weighted average is calculated and shown as a separate section on the report card. This is different from the GPA calculated in the compact view. You must use a numerical primary grade to show the calculation. The weighted GPA will use the subject credits to calculate.
Student label info
This section can be used to build your own student information section, pulling information from the student's profile.
It can be used to add useful information like languages, house membership or any custom field value.
Pass fail logic
You can create a pass-fail logic if you are using a single numerical entry field to determine promotion or successful completion of the course criteria.
Set the pass value field, which is the field reference you can find in the subject specifications. Note that this is a single calculation so probably best combined with a formula field that has calculated the total score. This appears as a section so not included in the course grades section.
The system will take the score from the designated field and calculate if it is above the score then it will show the Pass text, if below then show the fail text. No other entries can be made to this section.
Top tip: Why not look at using a calculated scale for individual subject pass/fail criteria? Have a look at the options and discuss the possibilities with your CSM.
Compact course grades
For a full explanation, please follow this article which explains how to set up a compact grade report.
You can use the compact style as a summary for numerical grades, with the normal course grades followed by comments and options available.
Printable home address
This section is designed for reports which are printed and sent by post. It will place the address of the student on the first page which will be folded to fit a standard windowed envelope.
MySchool promotes an online paperless system, discuss whether you can reduce time and costs by publishing the report to the guardian portals instead.
This is to add a signature field without using the user comment option. It uses the same functionality. Choose whether it should be the class Teacher's signature file or the head of the school's signature to finish your report card. It will show the signature of the assigned class teacher or the school principal.
School principals are set on a school configuration level, and you will need to contact our support team to add them.
Personal qualities (Malta only)
This works to show the student's personal qualities in the final year report card. Talk to your CSM for more information regarding this.
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