MySchools dynamic fees can make your invoicing process as efficient as possible. Within a few clicks, your finance team can issue invoices to multiple payers across your school. Using custom fields, you can create fees to adapt to conditions within your pricing. Let's have a look at creating a basic fee and a conditional fee;
Configure your fee table
Open the configuration panel, and select the Fees tab.
Create the Fee name which will only appear in your internal invoice view.
The Line item description will be visible on the invoice when raised.
Be mindful of the length as this may distort formatting when generating the invoices and don't forget to set the fee as active.
Assigning an account is mandatory, so it is advisable to create your accounts before creating your fees.
The 'in invoice' field determines whether to generate invoices with a 0 amount.
Your fees are created via brackets. These are :
- By school level
- By class level
- By subject
- By student
- By family
Let's look at a few of the commonly used fees;
The below examples will look at a simple school or class-level fee. Selecting either of these options will enable the pricing tab to appear for you to enter the relevant amounts.
Example 1 of school-level billing |
Example 2 of class-level billing |
Finance admins, please note once a fee has been used in an invoice, you cannot change the bracketing options. although the amounts can be adjusted.
If you choose by subject, the pricing tab will show a drop list of active subjects within your system, type to refine your search or choose from the list. Add the subject and assign an amount. Each Student who is actively enrolled in a course attached to the subject will be invoiced.
The two remaining brackets are per student and per family, each will show a single default fee field. The amounts will be applied to all students, or per family.
Conditional pricing
By using student profile custom fields, you are able to create conditional fees. These are commonly used for international students and transport options.
Step 1: You must have a valid custom field on your student profile. Contact our support desk or CSM to add these to your system. This will only apply if the field is an array (drop-down list).
Step 2: Conditional pricing can be applied to any bracket type. Open the pricing tab and add a condition. You will see the fields appear next to the default fee. Enter an amount for each condition. In the below example, we have used a transport fee per student. it is dependent on whether the student has chosen AM, PM or AM/PM options. Respectively we add a fee to apply depending on the field value.
Step 3: Select the field. This will list all custom fields found on the student profile. Now add a value i.e. the reply that will trigger the conditional fee to be applied. For condition #1, your system will check the 'supervised transport' field, and if AM is detected it will apply the fee of 50Eur. Build these for all the viable conditions that you wish to charge for. Add a description to apply to the published invoice for the line item.
Step 4: Note that the default field is left as 0. If you have selected not to generate invoices with a 0 value on the overview page AND the student does not have one of the conditions in the target custom field, the invoice will not be raised as a value of 0 is detected. This helps if you are selecting a large population.
There are two discounts available, staff and siblings. The staff discount will check the invoice payer's profiles to see if they are classed as an employee of the school. Siblings will check to see if there are any other dependent students attached to the invoice-paying guardian.
Staff discount
Activate this with the slider, select from your list of accounts and apply a straight % discount if the invoice payer is a staff member of your organisation.
You can change how this is applied to the invoice line item. On the overview tab, there is a slider for merge discounts. This will calculate the discount and apply it to the fee. If deactivated then the original fee and the discount will be shown as separate line items.
Dependant discount
There are two different discounts that can be applied to sibling accounts. A flat rate or percentage reduction per child. Choose the appropriate method and the fee tables will appear.
If you wish to apply the discount to the invoice payer even if all dependants are not included in the same billing batch then leave the slider as is. If you wish to apply the dependant discount only if all dependants are included in the bill run, then activate the slider to make it blue.
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