Access to log in for CORP account holders is via this URL:
How to enrol walk in applicants
1) Open the URL and validate with CORP account
2) Open the application form by clicking on walk-in applicant.
3) Fill out name, surname, date of birth, and passport or ID number.
The system will check on DoB & ID number to validate account
4) Press CREATE and the student profile will be created in the system.
How to select courses
1) To search all courses, you can press SEARCH with no filters selected, and the entire listing will appear.
2) Filter by name using the field with the magnifying glass.
3) Filter by location or course type from the drop down lists.
4) To view details, press VIEW
5) To start the enrolment process then press ENROL
Application form
The form is split into Five tabs:
Contact Details, Emergency contact, Medical condition, Personal Data consent, Media Consent.
Contact details
There are mandatory fields of address, postcode, city, and phone. The ID card and the DoB are carried from the initial form.
Emergency contact
The applicant must provide an emergency contact name, and confirm their relationship. Add a contact number, although this is not mandatory.
Medical condition
Select from the list of conditions and allergies if this information needs to be recorded against the applicant. Select the severity and fill out the name field and treatment or actions to be taken if applicable.
Personal details consent
Confirm with the applicant that they have read and understood the clause relating to personal data. Check the consent box. This is mandatory in order to complete the enrolment.
Media consent
Make sure the applicant has read and understood the media consent, and confirm their choice from Missing, Given, or Rejected.
Once you have taken these details, then press COMPLETE. The application form is now submitted, and you are asked to confirm enrolment in the course.
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