Assessments are core to the MySchool instance, using subject specifications, MySchool helps our schools with any assessment strategy needs. From a classic graded approach right through to continuous assessment with learning outcomes and evidence. Here is a brief introduction to the three areas managed in subject specifications. You want to also want to check assignment configuration if you wish to create your own scales to apply to your schools assessment.
Please make sure you build and confirm your assessments BEFORE Teachers start to enter assessments in the grid. Any changes to the assessment tab will delete already entered assessments.
Where to find it?
Subject specifications by default is attached to the manage scheme of work role within your user groups, make sure the users who will be building your schools assessment strategy have this enabled. They will also need to be able to view and manage subjects in their groups. On most MySchool systems, you can access this in Grade reports/Advanced options/Subject specifications.
How does it work?
Subject specifications allow you to add learning outcomes, and build assessment criteria for all the subjects listed within your MySchool instance. You can import or create your learning outcomes, copy different criteria (LO's, assessments) from year to year or subject to subjects, and build different assessments per term.
1. Learning outcomes
Each subject can have its own list of learning outcomes. These can be used in assignments, VLE, and assessment modules. Group them in folders by content and apply custom achievement scales and points for weighting. You can restrict the date limit to create curriculum content for one term, semester or for the whole school year. Once the learning have bene applied to an assignment, these are shown as evidences when reviewing your assessment reports.
Top tip: Learning outcomes can be used to track individual student achievements and can act as a guide for non-educational activities. Use them to track core competencies, sports achievements, or extracurricular activities.
2. Content and Topics
Content and topics are connected to the LMS resource package. Central subject administrators can create topics, lesson content and assignments which are applied to the courses attached to the subject. Teachers using LMS, will be able to apply the resource templates to their active course resources in a simple click of a button.
3. Assessments
Using the different assessment types, schools can build their own comprehensive assessment strategy for each subject. Choose to copy from one core subject across all subjects within the same curriculum or year group. Build assessment criteria, that link automatically with the new assessment report, so that you control your school's assessment strategy from the beginning. Schools can build and apply different assessment strategies per term.
Create your own scales in assignment configuration for use within the assessment section. Apply assignment averages from your continuous assessments, and allow for students to give input via student reflections. You can decide whether the assessment should be for internal use only or be published onto your grade reports.
The module is user-friendly, and your CSM support contact can arrange an introductory session to go through your needs. We advise all schools to create a test subject, course, student and teacher which will allow them to build on existing strategies, but also experiment with new areas. Create regular is exam assessment terms to keep your students and guardians updated during the scholastic year.
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