Adding colour to the grade grid makes things easier to spot when it is full up at the end of the term or year. You can add colours to your achievement scales, assignment types and submission statuses.
Achievement scales
If you are using learning outcomes or wish to grade with a non numerical scale, why not add colours to help distinguish the scores on your grade grid. It will also be applied to your assessment reports if you are using the progress bar.
You build these in the assignment configuration page. Click on the colour field and use the slider to choose the correct colour and shade.
Assignment types
Choose colour to represent different assignment types in your assignment grade grid. This wil lonly affect the title header and not the grade fields.
Select from the colour pallette to apply the colour. if you wish to revert to default transparent then mouse over the field next to the dark grey at the bottom. Your mouse icon will change to become a hand.
The transparent colour field is invisible!
Submission status
You can add colours to the actually grade fields by configuring the submission types. By default, when a grade is entered on grid view the status will switch to graded. As a system default, there is a passmark of 50% of the total points. If the score entered is below this threshold the grid will show pink. On refreshing the screen the colour of the submission will be applied however.
This threshold can be altered if needed, contact our suppor team for them to change the value. It can be altered to 0 if you wish.
Why is it showing as black?
This is system default, but the values RGB are actually used for transparent black. To set your colour to transparent then check out the hex codes on an external source.
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