Country Specific Reports
MySchool offers mandatory reporting tools for BC, Canada (TRAX/PSR/ES Audit), DQSE (School leaving certificate) for Maltese independent and faith-based schools, and Ontario, Canada (OnSIS, OUAC, OCAS).
- BC - DEM / XAM / CRS and BC TRAX subject settings
- BC - ES Audit
- BC - How does MySchool meet the needs of our BC community?
- BC - PSR (Permanent student record)
- MALTA - Create your own student qualities for the school leaving certificate.
- MALTA - DQSE - Adding qualities and activities to grade reports
- MALTA - DQSE - School leaving certificate
- MALTA - DQSE Informal Education
- MALTA - DQSE Module overview
- Malta - How to build assessments with SBA's
- MALTA - Import SLC informal organisations for DQSE
- MALTA - Non Formal Education (Organisations)
- MALTA - NSO Tool
- Ontario - Aggregate secondary report