For the final steps of onboarding we will look into creating subjects, importing courses, and enrolling the students.
Scroll to the bottom of the article for instructions on how to import new subjects using the import tool.
Subjects are the integral part of building assessments in MySchool. For more understanding, then please read through the articles on subject management, and building your assessment flow in MySchool. Subjects are managed on a class level, students are enrolled into the subject via a course. A subject name must be unique, and the best way is to add the class level identifier to distinguish between them (Math 1, Math 2, Math 3 etc). You must must always have a subject if you wish to build assessments for the student.
The onboarding tool is a simple pick list per school level. There are a few default subjects already available, click to add them to the subjects added panel to the right. To create a new subject, type the name in the Add custom subject field, and validate by Add subjects. once you have added all the common subjects, go to the next step of assigning them to the appropriate class levels.
For attendance purposes, we advise creating an Attendance or Homeroom subject, this can be scheduled in the appropriate roll call period, and will help attendance reporting.
The system will automatically create the subjects for each class level in the selected school level. If a subject is only to be added to just one class level within the school level, then just add them in the add field with a unique identifier.
The system will inform you if the name has already been used. Just go back in the steps or choose a new unique name for the subject.
Once you have created and assigned subjects for each level, the subject completion step can be completed. You can always add, or amend the naming convention after onboarding.
Importing subjects
Please note that this is only for NEW subjects and cannot be used to update existing subjects, you will have to do this via the subject management page. The subject import template is attached at the bottom of this article.
- All subjects must be unique, so use the grade/class level number as a unique identifier.
- For BC schools, please respect the TRAX code format as required by the ministry.
- To obtain your class level MySchool UUID, please contact our support team for the string. Otherwise you can use the name as you see when using the class level filter in the class list view.
Import fields for subjects
Field name | Requirements |
External ID | N/A for new imports |
Class level | MSM ID |
Subject name | Free text (must be unique) |
Subject description | Free text |
Subject credit | Number |
BC Trax code |
Must be conform to ministry format. This is 5 letters or spaces, then 2 digits. e.g. AA 09 AAA 10 AAAA 10 AAAAA10 |
BC related course code | Free text |
BC related course grade | Free text |
BC course type | xam, crs or not_applicable |
BC FTE type | exclude_from_fte_count, include_in_fte_count, include_in_support_block_count, include_in_other_course_count |
BC FTE count | Number from list 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 3.00 |
BC Include in PSR | yes = 1, No = 0 |
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