If you wish to print timetables, or review scheduling then we have a great tool which can help administrators print multiple schedules in one go. It can be used to check room booking, and manage class level timetables for ad hoc events. Users can also send timetables via email if they have a primary email in their profile.
How to Access
The report is classed as public and is available for all staff users with the appropriate school level access. It is in the Data Report module, select print multiple timetables.
If the timetable is not yet active, then you may not be able to see it (e.g. During rollover for example).
Possible filters
There is the possibility to print or create an email template, which creates an announcement to send to the users. Select the search criteria and apply the filters such as class, class level, course. In most cases you will be presented with the people picker as a further option for your target group.
If you have added appointments as part of your scheduling, these can be included in the search and export.
You can select a school level population, but only 30 times tables can be shown at once. Use the page options to print the timetables. As MySchool is social responsible company, we strongly encourage reducing printed material wherever possible. All students and guardians can access their schedule live via their respective portals. It's a great way to encourage your community to engage with MySchool.
1 comment
No student names and classes on these timetables?
Can you help^?
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