If you are reusing a form from a previous scholastic year's workflow, then the next scholastic year may not appear as an option. Don't panic you just need to refresh the question to pick up for newly added years.
Does the next year exist?
First go to year management and make sure the target year is set up. If it doesn't exist then please create it. You will need permission to 'Create new year' in your user group.
Ok we have added the new year, what now?
If you are using a form from a previous year's admissions cycle, then clone this and add a year marker to the title e.g. Admissions form for yr 2022/23.
This way you will not risk losing any data from the previous workflow and admissions.
In the workflow that you are using, make sure that the target year is set correctly as 'next scholastic year'.
Go back to the form which has the question 'Year applying for'. Remove and save the form. Then reopen and add the field to the form again.
This will have refreshed the options and should show the new current year.
Don't forget this field is mandatory in your first application form, if either the grade or year applying for is missing then the applicant will not be listed on the prospects & applications list view.
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